
Rajesh Rajan
3 min readJul 31, 2021


Credits: Google

Video Games. Ain’t that THE IN-THING today? Today’s kids are big-time into it. The pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have assured that the dependency on video games grow multifold. Even though I dislike this generation’s obsession with gaming, that has become the new norm and I have accepted it.

My son wanted a video game as a birthday present. He was excited to receive the gift and said that this was the best birthday gift ever! He started playing everyday and exploring each and every game. By now, he had learnt the skill of bargaining to get some extra time to play.

But as time passed, I was surprised to see that his demand for the game time reduced and eventually, it stopped. He would skip playing for a few days and now it has reached a point where he would only play it once or twice a month. Now the same level of games does not excite him. He said, “It’s too easy to win. I have become an expert now. So, it’s no more fun playing.” It’s not just the video games, even the toys that we bought from the time he was born only a handful remains. Others were given away or are lying idle at the corner of our house.

He has now moved on to more upgraded versions. He now finds fun in playing tougher games. He does get frustrated, upset and angry when he loses a game. But I see him waiting for the next chance to play it again. And then once he wins it, he would be bouncing around the whole house, his face would light up with happiness and I have to listen to his whole story of how he tricked the computer and won.

I remember when I was a kid I never liked playing against a weaker opponent. So, we would avoid playing with younger kids who were still learning and we would call them ‘kacha limbu’. Because the challenge to win would be missed if we included them. There’s no fun factor in it. We would make teams in such a way that both the teams will have to play their best to win.We had a choice to go back and play games which were easier to win. But we didn’t. We always moved on and picked on an upgraded version.

I observed how much this relates to one’s life. As and when we grow and become better at something, the fun of facing a challenge fades away. Life becomes monotonous. It becomes boring. Either we choose a new challenge or life will bring a new one. Tougher than earlier. Till the time we don’t start winning it regularly and easily, the game won’t change. You must have said this cliche atleast once or heard someone else say, “ Why do I get the same kind of people?” or “why does this keep happening to me every time?” Maybe that’s because you haven’t become an expert in handling that kind of person or situation. The Universe somehow knows that you need to pass this level to become the person you were born to be. Pass this level, have fun, relax and soon, you will get a new video game. If not, then you will feel bored and stagnant.

“The only person who does not have a challenge or struggle is the one who is not alive.”

People who are living have their own set of challenges according to the levels they have passed. So, it’s better to face them rather than avoiding. Keep upgrading, keep playing!!

I wish you all the best to jump around your house to celebrate your win. Your loved ones will be all ears to hear your success stories!

Happiness Coach
Rajesh Rajan
Thank you for taking out time to read. Please do write back with your views and experiences. I would love to hear your feedback. 😊



Rajesh Rajan

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